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Top 5 TED Talks To Inspire You To Do Your Best Work

We all want to be at our best when we’re working, but sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to really deliver. Never fear, because these motivational TED talks will be sure to inspire you to give it your all when you head into work. Across these five talks, you’ll learn a little about the psychology of why we do what we do, how our happiness effects our productivity, when people are at their happiest, and what motivates people to work. Sit down, kick back, and get ready to be inspired!


We believe we should work hard in order to be happy, but could we be thinking about things backwards? In this fast-moving and very funny talk, psychologist Shawn Achor argues that, actually, happiness inspires us to be more productive.


You’re doing everything right at work, taking all the right advice, but you’re just not moving up. Why? Susan Colantuono shares a simple, surprising piece of advice you might not have heard before quite so plainly. This talk, while aimed at an audience of women, has universal takeaways — for men and women, new grads and midcareer workers.

Tony Robbins discusses the “invisible forces” that make us do what we do — and high-fives Al Gore in the front row.


When are humans most happy? To gather data on this question, Matt Killingsworth built an app, Track Your Happiness, that let people report their feelings in real time. Among the surprising results: We’re often happiest when we’re lost in the moment. And the flip side: The more our mind wanders, the less happy we can be.


What motivates us to work? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it isn’t just money. But it’s not exactly joy either. It seems that most of us thrive by making constant progress and feeling a sense of purpose. Behavioral economist Dan Ariely presents two eye-opening experiments that reveal our unexpected and nuanced attitudes toward meaning in our work.