Many entry-level industrial positions, such as general labor, don’t typically require any special training; but there are definitely those that do. We have had to staff for many positions that require forklift, CNC programming, crane, CDL, welding, and HAZMAT certifications. While the position you are applying for may not require any certifications, it is still a good idea to present them during an interview if you have them. It helps to solidify your qualifications for a position and can open doors to move out of the position into one that can better use your skill set. You could start out as a general laborer at a warehouse but move into forklift position if you have the right certification once the opportunity arises. Always make sure your recruiter is aware of any and all certifications you have obtained in order to find the best positions for you.
Previous Experience in the Field
While entry-level positions don’t require previous experience, it is still important to explain any experience you have in the field you are applying for. Not requiring experience doesn’t mean that experience isn’t preferred. In fact, it often is. Many candidates could apply for an entry-level position but the one who typically gets it is the one with the most relevant, up-to-date, and well-rounded experience. This is why having a complete resume is important even when you’re applying for industrial positions. It gives your recruiter the most complete picture of your experience and maximizes their ability to find positions that you would excel in. Always be sure to communicate your past work experience and give your recruiter an up-to-date resume during your interview.
Knowledge of the Processes Used
Going hand-in-hand with expressing your experience in a given field you’re applying to is demonstrating your knowledge of the processes used in the workplace. You may have experience as a forklift operator, but if you don’t have a good grasp on safety procedures or can’t effectively do the job then you will have little luck finding a long-term position. Be sure that any positions you list on your resume are ones that you have a good understanding of and could still effectively do. If you worked a short-term forklift position five years ago and haven’t been on a forklift since, don’t expect to get another forklift position without going through some training. While you may still know the basics, procedures for operation can change over time and from location to location. Regardless of position, if you are a bit foggy on the details of how to do a job you list on your resume, don’t expect to get a similar position right away when working through a staffing agency.
One of the most common things we see in applicants looking for entry level industrial work is job hopping: moving from job to job without staying at any one position for longer than six months or so. Now, the industrial sector can be difficult to navigate and layoffs are common, so it can be hard to stay at one company for a considerable length of time. That’s why longevity is a great thing to express when looking for work: its rare. Companies are looking for candidates who can commit to working within their organization long-term, not one who is looking to use a position as a stepping stone to get into a different company a few months down the line. If you can show that you have worked previous jobs for long periods of time, you will be considered first for any positions that come available.