Get a Planner
One of the best ways to keep your appointments organized is to get yourself a planner. These in-depth calendars come in both print and digital versions and allow you to track important dates like interviews, orientations, and job fairs by date. Mobile electronic versions can even be setup to send you a notification of your upcoming event on the day it occurs as a reminder. Organizing your appointments is crucial to making sure you keep your events top of mind and don’t forget when and where you need to be during your job search.
Use Spreadsheets
Having trouble keeping track of addresses, emails, names, and titles of recruiters and businesses you’ve been meeting with? Looks like its time for you to start utilizing spreadsheets! I know, a lot of people hear spreadsheets and think “AHHH, Excel!”. And yes, while some spreadsheet programs can be tricky to learn, you will only need a basic knowledge of them in order to utilize them for your job search. They offer a great way to organize and sort all of the information you have collected on your job search in order to maximize your efficiency.
Create a Professional Email
When you’re looking for work, the last thing you want is a recruiter trying to reach out to you at partyg1rl38@hotmail.com. If you are on the search for a new job, you need to make sure that you have a professional email address setup just for your job search. This ensures that you have one place to go to respond to recruiter emails without other personal or spam emails getting in the way. It not only looks better on a resume, but a professional email also gives you more credibility as an applicant and makes your job search more efficient.
Take it On the Go
With the power of smartphones, all of these tools can be taken with you on the go! All the job search tools you could ever need are right there in your pocket and the best part is, you will almost always have them with you. Not sure if you have an interview tomorrow? Pull up your calendar. Need to remember the address? Look it up in your spreadsheet. Need to refuse an offer via email? Open up your professional mail account and send it out. In today’s day and age, job searching is portable and can be taken almost everywhere.