Job searching isn’t what it used to be, and it can be hard to stay on top of the hiring trends. Luckily for you, we’ve made it easy! We have put together a short list of the most impactful hiring trends for today’s job-seeker.
Anyone who graduated from school and thought their testing days were behind them will be disappointed to hear this first bit of info: employers are moving to a “Test First” method of hiring. This means that some companies are opting to have candidates complete testing for the position they have applied for BEFORE their interview for the job. Companies want to make sure that they are getting qualified new hires, and the best way to vet candidates is to have them test their knowledge before they sit down to discuss previous experience.
More Distance
Gone are the days where companies would have you come in for multiple face-to-face interviews. Now, many companies are utilizing digital, online video or phone interviews in their initial interaction with prospective candidates. Anyone in the market for a new job needs to be ready for the possibility of distanced interview techniques and will want to brush up on their phone interview etiquette. At the very least you should be ready for a screening attempt, usually made via phone call.
Increasing Competition
With the unemployment rate remaining low, companies are having difficulty filling their positions. Simply put, there are more jobs available than there are people to fill them. In many industries, such as trucking, they are actually seeing many open positions going unfilled. This is leading to increased competition between businesses for YOU. New hires are getting harder to come by, so many employers are utilizing both financial (signing bonuses or higher pay) and non-financial incentives (skills training, company culture, and mentorship opportunities) to get candidates interested in working with them.
Tech Knowledge is a Must
No matter what industry or job you are going into, you will want to familiarize yourself with the newest workplace technology. Almost every job involves technology to some degree, and its involvement is only going to increase. Staying up to date with the tech that is being utilized in your industry is the best way to stay competitive in today’s job market.
Degrees are Less Important
Having relevant education is great, and having a degree is definitely something that can help round out your resume. However, despite what you may have heard about needing a degree to get a job, this may not necessarily be the case. In reality, employers are becoming more interested in a candidates potential. Competency-based testing and training is increasing, which allows for candidates who may not have had the experience of getting a college degree to develop and maintain new skills through their employer.
Social Media is the Hiring Tool of the Future
We all know about LinkedIn’s use in the professional world as a networking and hiring tool for companies and individuals. However, more social media outlets are developing job board services and are being used by companies to source new candidates. Facebook now has job features that allow you to apply online directly through the site itself. With almost every other aspect of our lives on social media, job seeking is making headway as the next lifestyle feature available to users.
-Tyler Geeve, Staff Source Marketing/Recruiting Assistant