Career fairs offer great opportunities to network with companies and find new employment opportunities. Unfortunately, they usually draw large crowds and it can be hard to stand out from the herd. Use these tips to help make a memorable first impression the next time you’re out at a job fair!
Ask About Company Culture
Every job seeker asks the same few questions: What jobs do you have? What does your company do? How can I apply? Can I leave my resume with you? One question recruiters rarely ever hear is “What is the company culture at your business?”. This is a sure-fire way to grab a recruiter’s attention. They LOVE talking about their company, but they especially enjoy discussing the culture and day to day aspects of the organization. By asking you’re showing interest beyond just getting a job, but that you are looking to begin a career at a company who’s values match your own. The prospect of getting an eager new candidate who is looking to stay with them long term gets any recruiter excited!
Ask About the Employer’s Experience
One way to make sure you stand out from the crowd and make a great impression during a career fair is to ask the recruiter about their own personal experience with the company. What parts of their job do they enjoy, what parts do they dislike, what is the day to day like, what types of challenges do they face. All of these are questions that not only start a more personable conversation, but they give you insight into what working at that particular company would be like.
Discuss Specific Positions
As someone who has worked a few job fairs, I can say that almost everyone walks up to the booth and asks what types of jobs we have available. It honestly becomes hard for us at that point to pick any one of them out of the crowd. The people who really stand out are the ones who ask about specific positions that we have open. It shows us that they have done some research into our company, or at the very least, went to our website to view our available openings. A bit of extra effort goes a long way in impressing us, and the people that do so are typically the first ones we call the next day.
Discuss Industry Trends or News
Going along with peaking recruiter interest by discussing specific jobs and company culture, you can also bring up recent trends or news from their industry to show you know not just their company but the nature of the work they do as well. It exemplifies that you have done your homework and would have industry knowledge going into a job. The most attractive candidates are the ones who show they are capable of doing research on their own and who have previous knowledge of their industry.
Find a Way to Stay in Touch
Many people leave ways for employers to reach out to them, but you might be surprised to hear that not very many ask for THEIR contact information. If there’s one thing that has been repeated throughout this article, it’s that recruiters are most excited by people who show genuine interest in them and their company. What better way to show your interest than by asking for some contact information beyond just leaving your resume. This will help you follow up on your meeting with them which you put you top of mind when they are reviewing resumes and considering interview candidates.
–Tyler Geeve, Staff Source Marketing/Recruiting Assistant