Take Charge of Your Control Center
Your Control Center is your best friend on your iPhone. For those who don’t know, its the screen you swipe up to see to turn on things like your flashlight and airplane mode. Its a collection of shortcuts for commonly used apps and tools; and not many people know that you can actually customize it. You are able to switch out and add other settings and features to your Control Center to include things like a QR scanner for website links or a magnifying glass.
Go Live
The advent of live photos is one that may annoy some, but also opens doors for professionals. If you are someone who takes a lot of photos for work, be it for your company social media page or whatever reason, then you should be utilizing them. Live photos create a short collection of rapid fire shots that blend together to create a very brief 1-2 sec video. When you go back through the video however, you will have the ability to select any frame of it as the primary photo. It gives you a lot more leeway in taking photos professionally. Goodbye re-shoots because somebody blinked!
Undo Your Mistakes
Have you ever been typing on your phone and then accidentally delete what you just wrote? Infuriating, right! Well, as it turns out there’s an easy fix for undoing those pesky mistakes. Just give your phone a little shake and a notification should pop up with an undo button. Gone are the days where you would need to retype that entire text or email! Now, when you get angry and start to shake your phone in rage, you will be able to undo any mistake you made with a single press of a button.
Bookmark Important Documents
Sometimes we find an important document or article that we want or need access to later on, and there are times when we won’t have access to the internet to retrieve them again or we just forget what exactly we were looking at. Not to worry though, as you can save those articles to view offline by bookmarking them in your internet browser. Simply hit the share button and select the “Add to Reading List” option. The article will be saved to your device and can be retrieved by going into your Bookmarks, even offline.