The science is in: blueberries are a certifiable superfood. They are known to have a high antioxidant content which has been shown to stimulate the flow of blood to the brain, which in turn boosts memory and focus. Blueberries are also excellent sources of anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins, resveratrol and tannins, which are all really long names for even more antioxidants. However, these don’t just boost your focus but have been shown to protect against cognitive diseases like dementia, as well as heart disease and even cancer.
Leafy Green Vegetables
Turns out mom was right, you need to eat your vegetables. They have not only been found to contain antioxidants, which we now know are AMAZING for brain function, but they are also full of B-vitamins and folic acid. B-vitamins are proven to help memory, focus, and brain health; while folic acid aids in improving mental clarity. These compounds are crucial not only for brain health, but vitamins B-3, B-6, and B-12 also help with the bodies processing and release of energy to help you feel more alert during the day. If you’re looking to work more vegetables into your diet, just remember: the greener the better.
Dark Chocolate
Those of you with a sweet tooth rejoice! Dark chocolate has also been shown to have cognitive boosting effects. It contains a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine, which can temporarily increase focus; and it also has, you guessed it: ANTIOXIDANTS! Magnesium can also be found in this bittersweet treat and is known to help with the release of endorphins and serotonin which are the “feel good” chemicals in the brain. Next time you’re looking for a treat in the office, think about reaching for a piece of dark chocolate. It won’t only help put a smile on your face, but will help you focus a little bit more while you’re at it.
Nuts and seeds are superfoods for your brain. They typically include B-vitamins, magnesium, healthy fats, and fiber; all of which help with mental clarity and cognitive function. Nuts are also a great source of vitamin E which has been shown to decrease the rate of cognitive decline as you age which can help prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. The best part is you don’t need very much of them to start reaping these benefits as they are densely packed with these nutrients. A small serving of about an ounce will have you start experiencing the benefits of seeds and nuts.
One of the most crucial aspects to focus and cognition is blood flow, and avocados have been shown to increase blood flow to the brain and heart which fires up brain cells. They are also great sources of fiber and protein which helps you feel fuller longer, keeping those pesky hunger pangs away while you’re working; keeping your attention on the task at hand and not lunch.
Water is one of the most important fuels the human body has. It is not only crucial for regulating organ functions, but it is pivotal in maintaining concentration, focus, and other cognitive abilities. Water helps the brain with its electrical functions which in turn affects memory and thought processes. As a result, drinking more water can help you think faster, more clearly, and with more creativity. Going forward, skip the soft drinks and reach for a nice cool glass of water when you’re feeling thirsty.
Green Tea
We started this off with a superfood, and now we’re gonna end it with a super drink. Green tea, the natural unsweetened kind, is one of the most beneficial drinks you can consume. It helps you focus in several ways, the first being that it contains caffeine which we know helps to temporarily boost your focus. But where green tea differs from other sources of caffeine is that it also contains l’theanine. Without going into all of the boring science, essentially l’theanine slows the release of caffeine into the body, making its effects last longer without the crash you would experience from getting it all at once like you would in coffee or energy drinks. It helps you power through your morning without that 2:30pm crash, and boosts your focus and brain power while its at it. It also has COUNTLESS other health benefits from helping to prevent heart disease and cancer, to promoting blood vessel health and helping to boost your immune system. Long story short, work some green tea into your diet and get ready to reap A LOT of benefits.