Recharging is one of the most important things we can do to help not only our performance at work, but our overall health in general. Without taking time to care for yourself, you run the risk of becoming burnt out, overly stressed, and exhausted which can lead to poor performance and mood in the workplace. This is why it’s important to use your time off to recharge so you come into work rejuvenated and ready to tackle the week!
Be active
While you may want to spend your time off curled up in bed binge-watching your favorite Netflix show, studies have shown that if you’re looking to boost your performance and energy at work you should spend your off time being active. Think about it, have you ever spent an entire day in bed and woken up the next day feeling rested? Chances are you haven’t; in fact you probably woke up feeling even more tired. This has to do with a lazy day’s effect on your sleep cycle or circadian rhythm. Essentially, by not moving much your body never really wakes up and begins to change the times of day it expects you to be alert and when to be sleeping. If you stay in bed all day, you can expect to feel tired the next day at work because your body is expecting you to do the same thing again. You don’t need to necessarily put in work at the gym, but going for a walk or a bike ride is a great way to get moving and keep yourself alert for the next day.
Eat healthy
I know. Its tempting to reach for your favorite comfort food when on a day off when you’re trying to relax, but it is a better idea to eat healthy even on days when we would rather cheat. Many times, comfort food is full of fat and is typically heavy which can lead to you feeling sluggish for the remainder of the day and even into tomorrow. Instead, try to stick to healthier meals and snacks which combined with staying active will help you feel more alert and primed for action come Monday morning.
Get outside
Going hand-in-hand with being active is getting outside. Spending time outdoors is shown to boost your mood and help relieve stress; both things you should be doing on a day off work. Combine that with doing physical activity and you’re getting a double whammy of performance boosting benefits. Spending time outdoors has also been proven to boost our immune systems, spur creativity, and restore focus. If the weather allows for it, try to spend at least part of your next day off outdoors. It may just turn into your next healthy habit.
Treat yourself
Days off are at their best when you spend them pampering yourself. Have a spa day, go out with friends, see a movie, do something you enjoy doing! Give yourself a reward for working hard! This is a great way to decompress after a stressful week at work and it can help you in the workplace by giving you something to look forward to at the end of the week. Making sure you give yourself time to do the things you enjoy will help make sure that you keep your stress to a minimum during the work week. After an exhausting week at work, unwind by treating yourself. Just make sure you do so responsibly.
Prepare for your work day
It may go against everything you want to do on a day off, but a great way to spend your day off to improve your performance in the workplace is to prepare for when you return. Making sure everything is in order and ready to go before returning to work can help reduce workplace stress and boost your efficiency. You’ll be able to get more done if you’re confident in what you need to do and if you have things organized and ready to use so you don’t waste time in the morning by trying to find where you left off.
Spend time with friends… not Friends
As much as you may want to binge watch your favorite shows and scroll through social media when you’re not working, you would actually benefit a lot more by unplugging for awhile. Studies have shown that disconnecting from technology can help you recharge by helping you sleep better. Keeping your phone nearby when you sleep can lead to you being woken up throughout the night by notifications, and the blue light given off from screens have been shown to disrupt sleep patterns and cause headaches and eye strain. If you spend your work days staring at a screen, then you shouldn’t be spending your days off doing the same. Give your eyes and your brain a break and spend time with friends. Human beings are naturally social creatures and being around friends can help to relieve stress, improve mental functions, and boost your mood. Next time you have some time off, make sure you spend it with friends not your computer screen.
-Tyler Geeve, Staff Source Marketing Assistant